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Graduation Requirements

Credit Requirements

Number of Semesters





English Language Arts








Social Studies




Standardized Testing Requirements

The State of Minnesota currently requires students to take Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs) in reading (grade 10), math (grade 11) and science (one time in high school). Students are not required to achieve a specified score on an assessment in order to meet graduation assessment requirements. The Minnesota Department of Education requires each school district to develop a College and Career Readiness plan. Lakeville North High School will continue to provide MCA assessments as directed by the Minnesota Department of Education.

Per Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.31, subdivision 4a, a parent may exclude his or her son or daughter from MCAs.


Career Portfolio Requirements

The Minnesota Department of Education requires all school districts to participate in Planning for Students Successful Transition to Postsecondary and Employment. Legislation requires all students, starting in 9th grade to have a “plan” around seven key elements:

  1. Academic scheduling
  2. Career exploration
  3. 21st century skills
  4. Community partnerships
  5. College access
  6. All forms of postsecondary training
  7. Experiential learning opportunities.

The Lakeville Area Schools Career Portfolio requires each student to complete specific career investigation activities in grades 9–12. The sequence of activities is intended to provide a comprehensive experience in career exploration, enabling students to pursue a lifelong career which best matches their talents, abilities, and interests. Students create a portfolio on the Minnesota Career Information System (MCIS), an Internet-based system, which combines a wealth of career, education and labor market information into one comprehensive, easy-to-use exploration tool.

Grade 9

Opportunities Day: MCIS Personal Learning Plan online

Grade 10

Opportunities Day: MCIS Career and College exploration online

Grade 11

Opportunities Day: MCIS Career exploration online and a free ACT at LNHS

Grade 12

Opportunities Day: Senior Job Shadow designed for students to gain valuable information about their chosen career area, students set up their own Job Shadow Day with a business mentor of career interest

Early Graduation

Students may be considered for early graduation if they have successfully met all requirements, including Lakeville High School credit requirements, State of Minnesota testing requirements, and Career Portfolio requirements. Students considering early graduation should meet with their Dean of Students or the Link12 Lakeville Program Coordinator well in advance of their proposed semester of early graduation to discuss options and procedures.


Students who have not fulfilled all graduation requirements are not eligible to participate in the ISD 194 commencement ceremony.

Senior academic honors recognition is awarded according to the following criteria:

  • Summa Cum Laude  =   4.0 and above GPA
  • Magna Cum Laude     =   3.85 – 3.99 GPA
  • Cum Laude  =   3.7 – 3.84 GPA

Honors recognition will be determined by using the cumulative GPA for each senior at the end of the first semester senior year. 

Lakeville Diploma

Students who choose to take more than 50% of their classes through Link12 Lakeville will earn a diploma from Lakeville North or Lakeville South High School. The school from which the diploma is earned is predetermined when a student enters the Link12 Lakeville program.